Friday, October 28, 2005

7 Useful Tips That Will Help You Lose Weight

7 Useful Tips That Will Help You Lose Weight
1. Increase your fiber intake. The body needs a lot of fiber. So try to include in your diet as many fruits and vegetables as you can.

2. Go crazy on vegetables. Vegetables are your best bet when it comes to losing pounds. Nature has a terrific spread when it comes to choosing vegetables. And the leafy green vegetables are your best bet. Try to include a salad in you diet always.

3. Control that sweet tooth. Remember that sweet things generally mean more calories. It is natural that we have cravings for sweet things especially chocolates and other confectionary. Go easy on theses things and each time you consume something sweet understand that it is going to add on somewhere.

4. Fix times to have meals and stick to it. Try to have food at fixed times of the day. You can stretch these times by half an hour, but anything more than that is going to affect your eating pattern, the result will either be a loss of appetite or that famished feeling which will make you stuff yourself with more than what is required the next time you eat.

5. Eat only when you are hungry. Some of us have the tendency to eat whenever we see food. We use parties as an excuse to stuff our selves. Understand that the effect of a whole week of dieting can be wasted by just one day’s party food. Whenever you are offered something to eat do not decline it completely but just break of a nibble so that you appear to mind your manners and at the same time can watch your diet.

6. Quit snacking in between meals. Do not fall for snacks in between meals. This is especially true for those who have to travel a lot. They feel that the only time they can get a bite to eat is snacks and junk food. The main problem with most snacks and junk food is that they are usually less filling and contain a lot of fat and calories. Just think about French fries…tempting but terribly fattening.

7. Go easy on tea and coffee. Tea and coffee are harmless by themselves. It’s when you add the cream and sugar that they become fattening. Did you know that having a cup of tea or coffee that has cream and at least two cubes of sugar is as bad as having a big piece of rich chocolate cake?


Do you need to lose weight? Visit diet online center for the latest news and information on how to lose weight.


Originally Posted on 10/29/2005 12:52:33 AMContent source:

What If You Are Allergic To Milk?

What If You Are Allergic To Milk?By Novi WhiteHow often you drink milk? Do you feel something strange after you had your milk? Probably you don’t think that milk can cause you allergy since this liquid is good for your health. It contains very rich nutrition and it’s good for everybody. But what if you are allergic to milk?

What a question. Well, milk allergy is one of a number of types of food allergy. As the same with others, milk allergy results from a hypersensitivity of the body’s immune system. In this case, to the proteins comprised in cow’s milk. Indeed, cow’s milk is one of the most frequent food allergens.

Food allergens? Yes, allergens are particular substances that can cause allergy reactions in the body. Milk is one of the most common foods responsible for food allergy beside egg, peanut, fish, shellfish, soy, and wheat.

A person with milk allergy will show specific symptoms, which can occur within minutes or hours after consuming the milk. These symptoms can be obvious in the skin, the digestive system, and or the respiratory system.

What Reaction Occur when You Allergic to Milk?

The reactions of milk allergy in the skin may include swelling of lips, tongue, mouth, face or throat, as well as an itchy red rash. In the meantime, vomiting, stomach cramps, and diarrhea are some of the reactions found in the digestive system. If you see running nose, sneezing, watery eyes, or shortness of breath, this means the reactions also occur in the respiratory system.

Again, there are still no medications to cure allergy. The only key to prevent symptoms of any allergy is to avoid the allergens. In the case of milk allergy, a person with this allergy of course should stay away from foods containing cow’s milk protein because even a very small quantity of milk protein may trigger symptoms. This will surely make a very uncomfortable condition.

If a person with milk allergy is worried about not getting sufficient nutrition for the body, there’s always a way to solve it. The important thing is to consume an adequate amount of calcium as milk’s substitute. Seafood, green vegetables (spinach, broccoli), and fish (salmon, sardines) are great sources of calcium.

You can find products related to milk allergy and those that support the absorption of calcium on the Internet. This is certainly a perfect way to compare many products.About the Author: Novi White writes health articles on various publications. She has been working with doctors for their research publications. You can visit her Website at


Originally Posted on 10/28/2005 11:46:31 PMContent source:

Look Younger With Antioxidant

Look Younger With AntioxidantBy Novi WhiteWhat does antioxidant have to do with anti-aging? You might not think in the first place that antioxidant has a great benefit to prevent early aging. Furthermore, you might not be aware of what antioxidant is and how it is also beneficial for your health.

Antioxidant can make you look younger than your age. Antioxidant is a very important substance that is needed by our body to protect vital cell structures. This is done by neutralizing hazardous molecules called the free radicals which can be formed by environmental factors such as chemical fumes and pollution. You see that they can cause harm to your skin, and may go further to cause skin aging. Thus, you are going to need antioxidant to protect this outer part of the body.

The next thing you’ll ask is what the real source of antioxidant which is used for anti-aging is. That is a great question! To answer this, you must have heard so often through many health articles and advertisements that vitamin E is a great nutrient for skin. Do you know why this vitamin is so precious? The answer is because you can find antioxidant benefits in vitamin E! Again, it is because vitamin E protects your skin from free radicals.

Many people, especially women, sometimes feel that they get old so fast. They feel that their skin ages earlier. That is why they urge for some anti-aging medication or any methods for keeping their skin young and healthy. Indeed, taking foods that contain antioxidants is the most effective and practical thing to do.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are great sources of antioxidant, which of course work as good anti-aging therapy. And truly, fruits and vegetables should be parts of a healthy eating plan. They should be taken in a daily basis. To mention it again, don’t forget that those foods contain important vitamins that role as antioxidant.

Take anti-aging food sources and start living healthy now! For days to come, enjoy your younger and healthier skin ever!About the Author: Novi White writes health articles on various publications. She has been working with doctors for their research publications. You can visit her Website at


Originally Posted on 10/28/2005 11:25:30 PMContent source:

Why Use An Air Purifier?

Why Use An Air Purifier?By Ben SharAn air purifier is just the thing that many people need and they don't even know it. These products are able to remove many of the particles within the air that cause so many health issues within our lives. To understand how air purifiers work, it is important to realize what is in the air we breathe. There are several reasons that these can be beneficial as well. Let's explain air purifiers a little further.

Air purifiers work by grabbing at those contaminants within the air we breathe. But, what is in the air and why is it so bad? First, what is in the air? There are many things including pollutants from chemicals and production, particles from pollen and even bacteria. While many of these things may seem harmless to most, it is very difficult for those who suffer from respiratory problems. People who suffer from conditions such as asthma and allergies can benefit from an air purifier.

When considering the purchase of an air purifier, consider several things. First, you will want to find one that will cover the correct amount of square footage that you need it to. This is essential. Secondly, you will want to find out the cost of replacing the filters, if needed. Also, consider looking for consumer reports as to how the different brands worked for different people. You will also need to consider your overall budget and the home’s level of contaminants. For example, homes where there is smoking are worse than those that are not.

While we can not remove all the particles in the air to get the results we need, we can and should remember that an air purifier can make our lives at least a little better especially if you have asthma or allergies. When it comes to being able to breathe better, cleaner air, you simply need to take actions to allow you to obtain this. You will find that air purifiers are offered in many different sizes and in many different methods as well. The best bet is to research how others have reported use on specific models. In any case, they can be an excellent benefit.About the Author: Find more information and tips about Air Purifiers by visiting


Originally Posted on 10/28/2005 11:03:26 PMContent source:

2005 Midwest Natural Bodybuilding and Figure Championships

2005 Midwest Natural Bodybuilding and Figure Championships

WNBF Pro-Qualifier

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Contestants must be free of strength and growth inducing drugs and prescription diuretics for 7 years prior to the contest.

Held at the E.F. Schwan Arts Center at Monona Grove High School at 4400 Monona Drive, Madison, Wisconsin.

$35.00 for each division, Awards for 1st to 5th placing.

To download entry form or to find more information about 2005 Midwest Natural Bodybuilding and Figure Championships visit Fords Gym In Madison, Wisconsin


Originally Posted on 10/28/2005 9:47:25 PMContent source:

Natural Bodybuilding Jargon

This glossary contains the definitions of the world of Natural Bodybuilding. It is by no means a complete guide to Bodybuilding. However, I do believe that if you go through this bilingual dictionary, you should become fairly knowledgeable of the Natural Bodybuilding language. This could also become a resource to find quick answers once you start designing training programs on your own. Be sure to add this bodybuilding jargon guide to your favorites for future reference.

Rep. Abbreviation for repetition. For example, one repetition or “rep” would be one barbell bicep curl.

Rep Tempo. The speed the repetition is done at. A slow tempo works the slow twitch muscle fiber. A fast explosive rep works the fast twitch muscle fiber.

Set. A set of repetitions. An example would be 1 set of 8 bicep curl repetitions.

Tri-Set. Three exercises work together in one set. Usually done with a muscle group with three or more sections. An example would be deltoids with front raises; side laterals, and rear raises all done continuously in one set.

Giant-Set. Four to six exercises done together in one set.

Staggered-Sets. Adding a different muscle exercise in between sets. An example would be doing a abdominal crunch exercise in between bench presses.

Pre-Exhaustion set. Doing a isolation exercise before a basic movement exercise. This is done to focus on one muscle in a group of muscles. An example would be doing dumbbell flys before bench press.

Basic-Movement set. A multi-joint exercise. An example would be the bench press.

Rest-Pause set. Resting for 10 to 15 seconds in between reps. This is done to further the set and increase intensity. An example would be doing a barbell curl then stopping on the bottom of the movement (resting) for 10 to 15 seconds and then do another rep.

Muscle Mix-Up. Changing the rep scheme and exercises to force the muscles into new growth.

Holistic Training. The theory that the parts of any whole should be considered in relation to the whole and that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. What this means in bodybuilding is training a bodypart in different rep speed and volume to stimulate the entire muscle structure of that bodypart. This is an example using the pectoral muscle. First do a set of 5 to 6 reps of bench presses with explosive speed to stimulate the fast twitch muscle fiber. Then do a set of 10 to 12 reps of dumbbell flys with moderate speed to stimulate fast and slow twitch fiber. Then do a set of 25 to 40 reps of cable crossovers to stimulate the slow twitch fiber.

Alternating Set. Isolating one muscle then isolating the other muscle out of one group. This is done to focus on each part of the muscle group. An example would be dumbbell alternating bicep curls. You can curl one arm at a time to increase the intensity in each biceps.

Quaker Thunder Blast. Too much oatmeal taken in for carbohydrates mixed with squat night. Don’t laugh, this is a serious condition.

Baseballs. Sometimes used slang for a well defined bicep muscle when it is fully contracted.

V-taper. Refers to the back side of the upper torso. A wide back to a narrow waist which makes a V. Generally to increase the V-taper one must increase the size of the latissimi dorsi muscle of the upper back and decrease the fat around the waist.

Negs. The eccentric portion of the strength curve. For example in the bench it is when you lower it to your chest. Negs or negative reps are when you resist the force from the weight and slowly lowering it to your chest. This will cause above normal trauma to your muscle fiber and shouldn’t be done too often. This process can also be done with other lifts.

Trampoline Lifter. Someone who bounces the weight at the amortization portion of the lift. An example would be someone bouncing the barbell off his or her chest in the bench press exercise. A very bad practice to follow. You drastically cheat the muscle from total development.

Overtrained and Strained. Pushing your body to a point that it no longer recovers from the workouts. Signs of overtraining can be sleepless nights, an unusually cranky personality, and losing muscle size. A change of workout is usually needed but first preceded with a period of rest so that the body can recover. Following a periodization program will help prevent this.

Periodization Program. This program cycles light with heavy training days. This will help the body recover faster and also provide an ever-changing training program to prevent the body from adapting to the workout and preventing growth.

Split Program. A bodybuilding training program that splits workouts up to one or two bodyparts per training session. This can be further broken down into 2 workouts per day. This is called a double split. It can be a 4,5, or 6 day a week program. This is a very advanced training program and can lead to overtraining from not enough rest between training sessions.

Superset. Working two opposing muscle groups in one set. An example would be doing a set of bicep curls and then immediately follow that with tricep pressdowns.

Forced Reps. This involves doing a set to failure and then having your training partner help you with additional reps.

The Pump. A tight warm somewhat burning sensation in a muscle that is from by being worked through manipulation. Can be from using a barbell, dumbbell, exercise machine, or some other means.

PumpOut. Generally, a set of 12 to 15 repetitions added at the end of a bodypart workout. This is done to force additional blood into the working muscle and deepen the “pump” feeling.

Melon Knockers. Lying triceps extensions. The name came from the bar being just above the head at the bottom of the movement.

Gabby Haynes. Also called “all mouth”. This fellow bodybuilder can be quite irritating by disturbing other bodybuilders talking to them constantly. This person generally has no regards to other bodybuilders and will talk to them at anytime, even during a hard concentrated set. A common quote used around this bodybuilder is “where is the switch to turn it off!”.

Lifting Belt. A leather or nylon belt that is 4 to 6 inches wide. It is usually worn when doing heavy leg workouts even though I seen lifters use them when doing wrist curls. They help support the mid torso.

Tourniquet pants. A lifter who wears a bleached out pair of gray sweat pants that have severely shunken in the laundry.

Squat Rack. An apparatus used in the gym for safety. Most are designed to accommodate all heights with adjustable pins. Leg squats, bench presses, and other lifts can be done using a Squat Rack.

Lightbulb Man. This is describing a male bodybuilder who only works the chest and arm muscles.

Rip Up. Can also be called cutting up or lean out. Shedding the body fat by aerobic training and diet to show muscularity.

Melon Sized. Sometimes used to describe a pair of large and defined deltoid muscles.

Striated and shredded. A term used to describe a muscle distinguished from other smooth muscle by transverse striations of the fibers.

Peeing Nitro. A condition of urinating excess nitrogen from consuming too much protein.

Carbed Up. A process of eating slow burning carbohydrates and drinking water three hours before a workout. This will provide fuel for energy for the anaerobic training.

Quarter Barrel Sized. Sometimes used to describe a bodybuilder with unusually large leg muscles. Especially if out of proportion to the rest of the body.

For informative bodybuilding articles check out Nature Boy, Your Natural Bodybuilding web source.
Forever for the cause of Natural Bodybuilding and Fitness.

Copyright 2004 by Nature Boy Bodybuilding. WARNING ! All content contained within this site is protected by copyright laws. Unauthorized use of our material is strictly prohibited. Contact Nature Boy for copies of this information.


Joe Weider 1981, Bodybuilder, the Weider Approach.


Originally Posted on 10/28/2005 8:32:07 PMContent source:

Lactate Threshold Strength Training DVD

Deborah Caruana RN, MES, CPT Presents:

Lactate Threshold Strength Training DVD

ONLY $17.99 to order click here or copy and paste to url address:
Equipment you"ll need: 2,3 or 5 pound dumbbells, Exercise mat.
One hour format.

It's an amazingly simple workout in a simple format without music. Designed specifically so you can add music that personally motivates you. From Beginners to Advanced Level Athletes, Deb's simple instructions are easy to follow. You'll be working 'face to face' with Deb as she worksout out with you through this intensive muscle toning, lengthening and fat burning challenge. With good cueing and simply explained and demonstrated instructions she'll lead you through a 10 minute warm up of dynamic stretches which eventually break into callisthenic jumping jacks.

The workout itself is full body. It will take you to your "anaerobic threshold or lactate threshold pain tolerance which will raise your levels of maximum endurance and sports performance and guarantee that thermogenic fat burn after effect.

The first half of the workout session targets legs and glutes because these are the largest muscles of the body for maxed caloric burn. The exercises are a series of assorted squats, lunges and plies with varied movement patterns and rhythms to keep the muscles constantly in a state of firing. Maintaining your balance in these varied positions and rhythms creates a significant core work challenge. The next half covers the smaller muscles of the chest, back, shoulders and arms, with rhythm and movement changes to engage a core challenge and use up the reserves of energy left from the leg blast.

Abs are last and since they have been working the entire time maintaining balance and form, they are finished off with a few moves to carve deeper. Synergistically working the whole body from the core Deb will tweak out every ounce of strength you have left in you for that final push. The stretch at the end just feels great, releases the muscles and prepares you to relax and be energized for the rest of the day.

It's time to start an intelligent exercise program so buy it today and make your body gorgeous!

ONLY $17.99 to order click here or copy and paste to url address :

Why my Lactate Threshold Training is better than any other Strength Training System.BR>
It's a very simple training system. Consisting of using your body in space with simple counts. Music is optional. With every position and exercise your concentration is focused on alignment, form, breathing, pacing, contracting or relaxing. You can move easily and flow from one exercise to the next with no wasted time or effort. Because it flows so well, you can make it cardiovascular or take designated controlled strength training time breaks. Each exercise is named and sequenced for easy stopping and starting. Since you are using your own body weight in different positions you can go deeper into the muscles for better sculpting and strength enhancement by holding positions, changing the rhythms, or altering the positions slightly. You are always in total control of how much energy you exert for each exercise. If you want to sculpt deeper into the muscles, you simply arrange your positioning deeper into the exercise position, thereby enhancing your flexibility. If you want to lighten up the load you simply release the contraction to a more comfortable exertion level. You will learn specific breathing techniques to help you sustain more difficult positions, to make them more tolerable. Because you are using only your body in space there are no limitations to the positions or exercises you can do. Of course on the DVD there are only so many Deb could do so she picked her personal favorites. You are limited only by your own imagination once you learn the system. You can work every and any muscle in your entire body to its maximal exertion levels. There are no machines to waste time arranging and dismantling weights or changing positions. These exercises can be done anywhere with little or no equipment. You may want some privacy but if there is room for your body and available oxygen, you can do the workout! With the simple counting system that she uses, you can track your progress very easily. So easily, that you don't need logs and complicated spread sheets. Your gains will be consistent, trackable and very measurable. Lactate Threshold Strength Training integrates whole body movements and brings all the parts together into each exercise. Because you are using all the muscles synergistically in a concentrated effort pulling all of the muscles into one dynamic reactive coil ready to spring into the next movement or challenge. This creates long lean flowing muscles that flow just like the workout flows. This training system also carries over into postural awareness and correction. We all know that correct posture can make you look inches taller and years younger. Holding your body in specific positions with no distractions or machines to lean on puts you face to face with your postural habits so you work on them consciously with effort in every single exercise challenge.

Why is the Workout Called Lactate Threshold Strength Training?
When muscles contract vigorously for long periods, the circulatory system begins to lose ground in delivery of oxygen (necessary for energy production). In these conditions the breakdown of glucose is converted to lactic acid. As the lactate is produced in the muscles, it leaks out into the blood and is carried around the body. If this condition continues, the functioning of the body will become impaired and the muscles fatigue very quickly. This point is often measured as the lactate threshold.

Why Do We Do It?
The aim of the training system is to saturate the muscles in lactic acid, which will educate the body's buffering mechanism to deal with lactic acid more effectively. Thus raising the anaerobic (lactate) threshold. It's not the lactic acid that causes the burn in the muscles as you exercise, but the hydrogen ions released as the lactic acid leaks out. An elevation in blood lactic acid levels is a major trigger of growth hormone (HGH) release. Increasing HGH, is beneficial for gaining muscle / lean tissue and reducing fat.

How it Affects Aging: Many of the physical and personal changes that are associated with the aging process are directly related to the age related decline in Human Growth Hormone, HGH. The 'acknowledged symptoms' associated with 'maturing' are directly related to hormonal demise. In 1996 the US FDA approved HGH for treating symptoms associated with adult hormonal demise. The FDA approved that medical signs and symptoms of HGH demise are parallel with the conditions associated with the progression of aging: Fat gain, muscle loss, loss of energy, poor sleep, skin changes, bone density loss, libido issues .. all HGH related. Increasing HGH has an effect on our skin, body composition, muscle tone, mood, energy, sleep quality, and bone density.

How it Affects Metabolism: Fat utilization requires HGH! Low blood sugar triggers the secretion of HGH to utilize fat for energy. The best time for HGH stimulating exercise is in the morning after the all night fast. If you cannot exercise first thing in the morning, time meals so that you have several hours ( 2 - 3 ) to burn off the blood glucose from the meal, before you workout. A relatively hard, planned and synergistic workout will result in up to a 250% increase in HGH secretion.

How it Affects Posture and Alignment: The constant total body movement
(infinite & constant movement variations ) results in a constantly changing center of gravity. You instinctively assume a personally optimum posture and naturally fine tune the muscles for grace, balance, alignment and posture.

ONLY $17.99 to order click here or copy and paste to url address :

Taking a week off from training every 8 to 10 weeks is very important for overall recuperation. Many people have a psychological barrier to taking time off from training. They feel like they are going to shrink. Not so. In fact after your week off for complete recovery you will usually come back stronger and energized. This program is based on the research published by the recognized leaders of HGH and AntiAging Research: Dr. Donald Rudman, Dr. Ronald Klatz, Dr. Mario DiPasquali, Sandy Shaw and Dirk Pearson. Renowned doctors, authors and scientists with findings published worldwide. New England Journal of Medicine, several best selling scientific / technical medical books and a multitude of magazine articles.


Originally Posted on 10/28/2005 7:34:05 PMContent source:

Weight Management and Heart Rate Monitors

Weight Management and Heart Rate Monitors
by Richard Dafter - President, How To Be
Improving Your Quality of Life, One Heartbeat at a Time

The following article addresses how to create an appropriate plan of action to capitalize on the relationship between heart rate and calorie burning for weight management. The central focus will be to optimize your time spent on physical activities through the use of a heart rate monitor.

As Tom Venuto, author of Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle says, "The law of calorie balance is an unbreakable law of physics: Energy in versus energy out dictates whether you will gain, lose or maintain your weight." All physical activity will burn calories. By definition, a calorie (more accurately, a kilocalorie) is the amount of heat required to raise 1 kg of water 1 degree Celsius. Phil Kaplan, one of the world's most in demand fitness professionals says, "Every time you blink, swallow, type, or roll over in bed, additional calories have to be burned to provide the fuel for movement. When the body is at rest, bodily functions continue. You breathe. Your heart beats. Your brain sends out chemical signals and impulses." These activities, to name just a few, account for the calories that make up your basal metabolic rate. Planned activities such as walking, aerobics, swimming, bicycling, weight training, etc. are what you need to engage in in order to burn the calories that you need to manage your weight. Polar heart rate monitors are the perfect tool to monitor heart rate while doing these sports and activities.

You cannot just participate in an activity, however, and expect to get the desired results. You need to maximize calorie burning for the duration of that activity. That is where heart rate plays a crucial role. The most effective heart rate zone for fat burning is, generally speaking, between 65% - 75% of your maximum heart rate. Although you will burn calories above that range and participating in activities for brief periods of time (assuming you are physically capable) in the higher heart rate zones has significant benefit, your duration will generally be much shorter. The longer you are able to participate in an activity, the more calories you will burn.

Traditional heart rate measurement at the wrist or neck obviously has significant drawbacks. Polar Electro, Inc., the manufacturer of Polar heart rate monitors, realized the potential for being able to continuously monitor heart rate, first for competitive sports and then for the general public to use in fitness and weight management activities. The OwnZone feature on many Polar heart rate monitors is a perfect example of how technology has replaced the far less effective traditional methods of determining heart rate. Since your physical well being can be compromised by stress, lack of sleep, being poorly hydrated and so forth, the OwnZone feature found on Polar heart rate monitors determines on any given day an individual's correct exercise zone. It guides you through an appropriate warm-up routine and automatically determines a safe and effective exercise heart rate zone by taking into account your current physical condition.

Having established the relationship between heart rate and calorie burning, it is now clear that a heart rate monitor is like having a personal trainer or coach on your wrist at all times. Although you may not feel like working out, your heart may tell you that you are emotionally tired and not actually in need of a rest or recovery day. On the other hand, a higher heart rate can indicate that you are in the early stages of fighting off a cold or the flu and that prudence and moderation would be dictated. An intuitive trainer or coach would also recognize factors that would determine how long, how hard and whether you should work out on any given day.

Finally, there is the obvious relationship between heart rate and effort. Someone who is experienced with working out may know their perceived effort. But perceived effort, as seen in the examples used above, can also have its drawbacks. Heart rate is the ultimate guide to your current physical condition and activity level. As your heart gets stronger by engaging in physical activity, you must still stay within your fat burning zone to optimize the value of your workout. Although you may think that distance over time (for example, if you walk one mile in 15:00) is an adequate guide, you will find that your heart will adapt and in order to stay within your zone, you must walk that same distance more quickly or go farther in the same amount of time.

In a time conscious society where family and work obligations tax our ability to find the time for physical activity, you must maximize the benefit of your effort each and every time that you engage in fitness activities. This can be accomplished simply and effectively by using a Polar heart rate monitor. is a leading retailer of pulse and heart rate monitors from Polar. Unbeatable prices on the widest selection of Polar monitors on the Web. HUGE selection of Polar products including hard-to-find Polar pulse monitor watch, heart rate monitor watches and large variety of standard heart rate and pulse monitors. more...

Originally Posted on 10/28/2005 5:20:30 PMContent source:

Inline Skates and Exercise Benefits

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Originally Posted on 10/28/2005 3:35:30 PMContent source:

Success With Strength Training

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Understanding Carbohydrates and the Low Carbohydrate Diet

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Hooked on Weightlifting

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Originally Posted on 10/28/2005 11:37:56 AMContent source:

Flat Stomach Secrets

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Core Exercise for Golf

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Strength Training for Golf

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Rotator Cuff Muscles In Your Shoulder

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Originally Posted on 10/28/2005 6:12:33 AMContent source:

Oblique Facts About Ab Workouts

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Originally Posted on 10/28/2005 5:16:32 AMContent source:

Strength Training Principles and Guidelines - Part 5

This article discusses exactly how to avoid the common mistake of overtraining. more...

Originally Posted on 10/28/2005 3:53:24 AMContent source:

Lean Mom, Fit Family by Michael Sena

Book excerpt on Lean Mom, Fit Family : The 6-week plan for a slimmer uou and a healthier family. more...

Originally Posted on 10/28/2005 2:09:23 AMContent source:
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